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Earthing Switch Interlock Device For 1224kV Switchgear

Product description
  • Installation view of earthing switch operation mechanism interlock device (For connection arm drive operation) 5GP.363.010


  • Earthing switch operation mechanism interlock device (For connection arm drive operation) 5GP.363.010.1 assembly diagram


  • Instruction of interlock device

    The interlock device is added the reverse interlock with the rear door which designed on the basis of original 5GP.363.010 earthing switch operation mechanisminterlock device. That is, after the earthing switch is closed and open the rear door (sealing plate), the original interlock could still operating the earthing switch, but this interlock could not. You must first shut the rear door (sealing plate) in order to operate the earthing switch.

    The working principles of the interlock device is changed the No. 24 locking sleeve to what showed on right and added spring on the basis of the original 5GP .363.010. When the rear door (sealing plate) open, the lock sleeve enter into the square hole of the cabinet (recommended size 35X35), earthing switch cannot be operated

Earthing switch operation mechanism interlock device (For bevel gear drive operation) 5GP.577.100

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Earthing switch operation mechanism(For connection arm drive) 5GP.363.010.3

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Earthing switch operation mechanism(type of insulating rod) 5GP.363.010.3/JY

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Earthing switch operation mechanism(type of Split) 5GP.363.010.3/FT

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Earthing switch operation mechanism interlock device(For two-way bevel gear drive operation) 5GP.577.1002/ 5GP.577.1002.1

  • Two-way (full gear) bevel gear, to achieve the back door (sealing plate) interlocked, and there are two forms:

    a. 5GP.577.1002 is one-way interlock, after earthing switch close then could open the rear door(Sealing plate), then after rear door(sealing plate), could still operating the earthing switch. Its interlock function as 5GP.360.010.

    b. 5GP.577.1002.1 is two-way interlock, after earthing switch close then could open the rear door, after the rear door open, then could not operate the earthing switch. Its interlock function as 5GP.363.010.1.

  • Bevel gear assembly model and installation dimension

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Connection arm assembly 5GP.233.030

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Down door interlock mechanism 5GP.239.010

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